Kevin Jimenez
For our (1) first project in Intro to Interactive Media, we had to recreate movie bow cover. I chose the, Inside Out. We had to develop our own design, but (1) first rough draft (4) four drafts of our own design. My design ended up being the (4) four emotions in "Headquarters" and around their control panel. The emotions were around the front of the movie bow cover.
Project: Movie box Cover #1
Interactive Media
Interactive Media apart of the Visual Performing Arts Academy. Interactive Media focuses on video producing, writing, and creativity. The class is divided into levels, Intro, Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3, where you study and do different projects in all levels. In Level 1, we have done a one project so far. The project we have done is our flip book movie project.
One assignment that you will be doing for all four years or how many years you plan to be in this academy, is logbooks. Logbooks include writing down what you do everyday and how wisely you spend time in this academy. Logbooks are graded by how much you write down and how you much description you put. This is a way Mr. Grillo can see what you are doing.
Grade Levels are divided by years;
Freshmen - Intro To Interactive Media (Intro's)
Sophomores - Interactive Media One's (One's)
Juniors - Interactive Media Two's (Two's)
Seniors - Interactive Media Three's (Three's)